Friday, 24 October 2014

Barnsley Cemetery Tom Jaques

Tom Jaques is remembered on his family's gravestone

War memorials Archive listing

War memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Lives of the First World War

Grave Location and Inscription:


In Loving Memory of / Tom / the dearly loved husband of / Emily Jaques / who died Oct 16th 1938 / aged 68 years / also Tom / their dearly loved son / Missing in the Great War / May 3rd 1917, aged 22 years / Also Hilda / who died in Infancy / also the above named Emily Jaques / who died Aug 18th 1946 / age 76 years / Re-United.

Tom is remembered on the Arras Memorial and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. 

You can read more about Tom Jaques on Barnsley Soldiers Remembered

Tom is also remembered on the Barnsley Co-op War Memorial and the  Barnsley Co-op Roll of Honour and the Barnsley St Georges Memorial Plaque


Monday, 20 October 2014

Barnsley Cemetery Foster Lindley, Frank Lindley, Claude Scott

Brothers, Foster Lindley, Frank Marcus Lindley and brother in law Claude Scott
are all remembered on the family gravestone
Close up of the inscription on the above grave

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Lives of the First World War Foster Lindley

Grave Location and Inscription:

Plot P 11.

Sgt. Claude Scott, 12th Batt. East Yorks Regt. / died of wounds received in action / in France Nov. 13th 1916, aged 34 years / also of Pte. Frank Marcus Lindley / 6th Lancs Fusiliers / died of wounds received in action / in Belgium July 23rd 1917, aged 19 years / and Sec. Lieut. Foster Lindley, 7th Batt. East Yorks regt. / died of wounds received in action / in France Sept. 5th 1918, aged 29 years / the affectionate son-in-law and sons of / Thomas & Alice Lindley

Claude Scott died on 13 November 1916 and is buried in Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps in France and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website

Frank Marcus Lindley died on 30 July 1917 and is buried in Coxyde Military Cemetery in Belgium and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

Foster Lindley died 5 September 1916 and is buried in Varennes Military Cemetery in France and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

The three men are remembered in Blucher Street Chapel, Barnsley

The two brothers, Foster and Frank Lindley are remembered on the Holgate Grammar School Old Boys memorial.  ( Holgate Grammar School is now demolished).


Sunday, 5 October 2014

Barnsley Cemetery Herbert Kaye

Herbert Kaye is remembered on his family's gravestone


War memorials Archive listing

War memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Lives of the First World War

Grave Location and Inscription:

Plot X.1196

In / Loving memory / Of / William Kaye / who died April 20th 1925 aged 71 years / also Emma kaye / the beloved wife of the above / who died Dec. 29th 1928 / aged 72 years / also Herbert Kaye, their son / who was killed in action in / Belgium, Oct. 7th 1917 / aged 24 years / also Elsie Kaye / their daughter / who died June 15th 1920 / aged 20 years / also Emma Kaye / daughter of the above / who died Vany. 17th 1955 / aged 43 years.

Herbert is remembered on Tyne Cot Memorial in Belgium and is remembered on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

Herbert is also remembered in St Mary's Church in Barnsley.


Thursday, 2 October 2014

Barnsley Cemetery William Kenworthy

   William Kenworthy is remembered on his parents' gravestone

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by BarnsleyHistorian 

Lives of the First World War      
Grave Location and Inscription:

Plot L14

In Memory of / Alice / wife of John Kenworthy / who died February 18th 1863 / aged 42 years / also William Kenworthy their son / and beloved husband of / Jane Kenworthy / who departed this life Jany 13th 1894 / aged 42 years / Thy Will Be Done / Also Jane, wife of the above / who died Novr 25th 1932 / aged 79 years / Also William, son of the above / Wm & Jane Kenworthy / Killed in France July 1st 1916 / aged 23 years.

William Kenworthy is remembered on the Theipval Memorial and commemorated on the 
Commonwealth War Graves Commission

William Kenworthy is also remembered on the memorial plaque at St Peters Church Doncaster Road Barnsley.

BWMP BAR 07/4 

Barnsley Cemetery Tom Gomersall

Tom Gomersall is remembered on his family's gravestone

War Memorials Archive Listing

War Memorials Online Listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield      

Lives of the First World War           
Grave Location and Inscription: 
In Loving Memory of / Eliza Ann / the beloved wife of / Fred Gomersall / who died June 11th 1897 / aged 29 years / Also Arthur, son of the above / who died April 18th 1889 / aged 1 year & 8 months / Also George / Arthur / son of the above / who died July 24th 1892 / aged 15 months / Dear is the spot where loved ones sleep / And sweet the strain which angels pour / O why should we in anguish weep / They are not lost, but gone before / In Ever Loving Memory of / Tom, son of the above / who fell in action at Gallipolli Peninsula / on Novr 18th 1915, in his 27th year / "A Noble Sacrifice" / Also Ronald, son of the above / Tom and Lily Gomersall / who died April 11th 1918, aged 4 years & 5 months / Safe in the Arms of Jesus.

Tom Gomersall is also remembered on Buckley St, Methodist Memorial Plaque and Buckley Street Methodist Roll of Honour and  Barnsley St John's Barebones Memorial tablet (now lost).

He is buried in Hill 10 Cemetery in Turkey (Gallipoli) and remembered on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP #BAR07/11