Sunday, 30 August 2015

Penistone Stottercliffe Cemetery Albert Webster

The family gravestone of Albert Webster

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield.

Lives of the First World War

Grave Location and Inscription
Plot Sec 7
In Loving Memory Of / Arthur / the beloved husband of / Sarah Webster / of Railway Terrace, Penistone / died March 3rd 1911 / aged 48 years / also Pte. Albert Webster / 12th Y&L Regt. / presumed killed July 1st 1916 / aged 28 years / A loving son, a brother kind / A beautiful memory left behind / He nobly answered duty's call / He gave his life for one and all / also the above Sarah Webster / died feb. 18th 1939 / aged 78 years.

Albert Webster is remembered on the  Penistone Lady Chapel Memorial St. Johns Church Penistone   Penistone British Legion WW1 Memorial Plaque and on the Penistone War Memorial Market Place Penistone

Albert Webster is buried in the Queens Cemetery Puisieux and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website

BWMP # PEN08/06

Friday, 28 August 2015

Penistone Stottercliffe Cemetery Charles Godfrey Hinchliffe

The family gravestone of Charles Godfrey Hinchliffe

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Lives of the First World War

Grave Location and Inscription:
In / Loving Memory / of / Wright Hinchliffe / of Hartcliff Farm / born January 30th 1862 / died July 14th 1899 / "It is the Lord: Let Him do what seemeth / Him good" 1.Saml.III.18. / also In Loving Memory Of / his youngest son / Pte. C.G. Hinchliffe / Coldstream Guards / killed in France June 19th 1917 / aged 23 years / Duty called, and he was there, / to do his bit and take his share, / his heart was good, his spirit brave, his noble life he freely gave. / also In Loving Memory Of / his eldest son / Wilfred Stanley / Hinchliffe / born November 1st 1890 / died February 12th 1982.

Charles Godfrey Hinchliffe is remembered on the Ingbirchworth Methodist Chapel Roll of Honour WW1.

Charles Godfrey Hinchliffe is buried in the Artillery Wood Cemetery, Belgium and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP # PEN08/03

Penistone Stottercliffe Cemetery Albert and Ernest Clifford Vaughton

The family gravestone of Albert and Ernest Clifford Vaughton

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Lives of the First World War - Albert Vaughton
Lives of the First World War - Ernest Vaughton

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot 2.A.C.167.
In Loving Memory Of / Lc. Cpl. Albert Vaughton / K.O.Y.L.I., killed in France / Sep. 25th 1916, aged 23 years / also Pt. Ernest Clifford / Vaughton, Y&L / wounded in France same day / died Jan. 24th 1917 / aged 21 years / the beloved sons of James & / Mary Vaughton, of Penistone / also the above / James Vaughton / died May 9th 1930 / aged 75 years / also the above / Mary Vaughton / died Feb. 13th 1946 / aged 86 years.

Albert and Ernest Clifford Vaughton are remembered on the Penistone Memorial Lady Chapel St Johns Church Penistone and the Penistone Royal British Legion WW1 Memorial Plaque and on the Penistone War Memorial Market Place Penistone

Albert Vaughton is buried in  the Guards Cemetery Lesboeufs and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

Ernest Clifford Vaughton is buried in the Stottercliffe Cemetery, Penistone and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission

BWMP # PEN08/05

Monday, 24 August 2015

Penistone Stottercliffe Cemetery Thomas and John Henry Hill

The family gravestone of Thomas and John Henry Hill.
The gravestone has now been re-erected on its plinth


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photographs by Pete Schofield 

This gravestone was re-erected on the initiative of Joe Pinguey, who at the end of 2014 approached Penistone Town Council who granted him the amount of £375.00 to have the headstone erected back on its plinth and on the 15th January 2015 a commemorative service was held in the cemetery to mark the completion of this work. (Thanks to Joe for this information)

Lives of the First World War  Thomas Hill

Lives of the First World War John Henry Hill

Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot 3.A.C.223
In Loving Memory Of / L.C. Corpl. Thomas Hill / 18th Batt. Lancashire Fusiliers / son of Charles Hill, of Penistone / who died from wounds / April 27th 1919, aged 23 years / also John Henry Hill, his son / of H.M.S. Arayon / which was torpedoed Dec. 30th / 1917, aged 25 years / also the above / Charles Hill / who died Nov. 22nd 1927 / aged 76 years. 

The War Memorial in Penistone Market Place and the Penistone Royal British Legion WW1 Plaque list John and Charles Hill, the Memorial Panels in the Lady Chapel at St John's Church Penistone list John H and Charles Hill.  The Penistone History Group think this is possibly a mistake and that the names should be John H and Thomas in all cases.

Thomas Hill is buried in this grave so for him it is not a War Memorial, however he is still commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

John Henry Hill is remembered on the Chatby Memorial Egypt and is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website

BWMP #PEN08/04

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Penistone Stottercliffe Cemetery Jack Burkinshaw WW2

The Birkinshaw family gravestone

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph Pete Schofield

Grave Location and Inscription:
Sacred to the memory of / John William / the beloved husband of / Mary I. Birkinshaw / died June 8th 1929, aged 64 years / also / Trooper Jack Birkinshaw, 12th R.T.A. / beloved son of the above / killed in action in Italy 18th Sep. 1944 / aged 27 years / also the above Mary Isabella Birkinshaw / died Aug. 15th 1946, aged 71 years / also their beloved son George Henry Birkinshaw died June 20th 1964, aged 68 years / "The Lord is my shepherd".

Jack Birkinshaw is remembered  in the Lady Chapel of St. Johns Church Penistone and on the Penistone War Memorial Market Place Penistone and on the Penistone British Legion WW2 Memorial plaque.

Jack Birkinshaw is buried in Coriano Ridge War Cemetery in Italy and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

NB There are two spellings used for the surname of Jack Burkinshaw/Birkinshaw.

BWMP # PEN08/01

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Barnsley Cemetery Eric George Smith

The kerbstone in memory of Eric George Smith


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Grave Location and Inscription
Plot (b) 573
In Loving Memory Of / William Smith / died April 15th 1921 aged 57 // Also Amelia wife of the aforesaid / William Smith / Died July 12th aged 70 years // Also Eric George Smith son of the aforesaid / who was killed in France June 15th 1917 / aged 20 years.

Eric George Smith is remembered on the Arras Memorial  and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP # BAR07/54

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Barnsley Cemetery Harry Liddall Bambridge

The family gravestone of Harry Liddall Bambridge M C

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot M.10
Died Jan 26th 1922 / Also to the dear / Memory Of / 2nd Lieut / Harry Liddall Bambridge, M.C. / East Yorkshire Regt. -- son of the above / And Amy's dearly beloved husband / who fell in France March 31st 1918 / aged 30 years / Also to the dear memory of / Agnes Bambridge / widow of the above Samuel Bambridge / died January 16th 1933 aged 80 years // -- / loving memory of / Kate Firth / who died Jan 7th 1928 / aged 69 years.

Harry Liddall Bambridge is remembered on the St Marys Church Combined War Memorial Barnsley and on the Holgate Grammar School Old Boys WW1 memorial

Harry Liddall Bambridge is remembered on the Arras Memorial in France and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission  website.  

It would appear that he was awarded the Military Cross

BWMP # BAR07/53

Darton All Saints Churchyard John Arthur Williams

The family gravestone of John Arthur Williams

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Grave Inscription:
In Loving Memory of / Mary Ann / the beloved wife of / Arthur Williams / of Mapplewell / who died October 30th 1895 / aged 37 years. / Also the above named Arthur Williams / who died Decr 3rd 1927 / aged 74 years / Also John Arthur Williams / their son / Killed in Action in France Novr 1917 / aged 31 years / "Worthy of Remembrance"

Read more about John Arthur Williams on Lives of the First World War 

John Arthur Williams is remembered on the Mapplewell and Staincross War Memorial, Blacker Road, Mapplewell

John Arthur Williams is commemorated on the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission website


BWMP # DTN03/18

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Darton All Saints Churchyard Austin Turton

Austin Turton remembered on a family gravestone


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

In Loving Memory of / Charles Turton / who died March 1st 1893 / aged 56 years / Also Ann, wife of the above / who died September 28th 1899 / aged 61 years / Also Pt. Austin Turton (Y&L Reg) / who fell in action in France / July 1st 1916, aged 39 years /

Read more about Austin Turton on the Lives of the First World War

Austin Turton is remembered on the  Mapplewell and Staincross War Memorial, the
St Pauls Church Monk Bretton  WW1 Memorial Book and the Monk Bretton War Memorial Cross Street

Austin Turton is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial Commonwealth War Graves Commission website

BWMP # DTN03/15

Friday, 14 August 2015

Darton All Saints Churchyard Royce Thompson

The kerbstone remembering Royce Thompson

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Lives of the First World War

Grave Inscription:
In Remembrance // George Thompson / Died Aug. 11th 1929 // Also his dear wife / Elizabeth Thompson / died July 8th 1945 // Also their son Gunner Royce Thompson / Died of wounds Dec. 22nd 1917 in Ypres // Beatrice Smith / Died May 26th 1960/

Royce Thompson is also remembered on the St Marys Church Combined War Memorial Barnsley.

Royce Thompson is buried in the Menin Road South Military Cemetery and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website

BWMP #DTN03/14

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Barnsley Cemetery Cyril George Bayford

Cyril George Bayford remembered on his wife's gravestone

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Lives of the First World War
Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot M.41
Treasured Memories / of my dear Hubby and pal / Cyril George Bayford, C.Q.M.S. / killed in action in France 1917 / and Draper of this town / "He gave that we might live" / Also William Talbot Thackray / died Feb 15th 1923, aged 66 years / beloved husband of Emily Thackray / and dear father of Florence M.S. Bayford / West View, Barnsley

Cyril Bayford is remembered on the St John's Barnsley, Oak Memorial Tablet and on the Barnsley Pitt Street Wesleyan Roll of Honour.

Cyril George Bayford is buried in the Bailleul East Cemetery, St Laurent, Blangy France and is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves 

BWMP #BAR07/52

Barnsley Cemetery Robert Hurd WW2

The family gravestone of Robert Hurd


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot C.288

In loving Memory Of / Harriet / died 31.10.1945 aged 56 years / James Robert / died 22.10.1978 aged 90 years / Robert / killed in action 31.3.1943 / aged 26 years / Also Clifford Allison / died 2.3.1984 aged 72 years / Also Cicely Allison / a beloved wife mum and sister / died 20.6.1991 aged 76 years.
Robert Hurd is buried in the Tabarka Ras Rajel War cemetery in Tunisia and is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commision website

BWMP #BAR07/49

Barnsley Cemetery James Kenneth Walton WW2

The family gravestone of James Kenneth Walton

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Grave Location and Inscription:
Treasured Memories Of / a dear wife and mother / Elsie May Walton / who died May 13th 1972 aged 80 years / "In memories garden never forgotten" / Also / James Walton / M.S.M.  J.P. Mayor 1940 - 1941 / who died Feb 18th 1984 aged 93 years / In loving memory of / 1st Class Stoker James Kenneth / son of the above / presumed lost with / H.M.S. "Prince of Wales" / December 10th 1941 / Re-united.

James Kenneth Walton is remembered on the Plymouth Naval Memorial and is commemorated on the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission website

BWMP # BAR07/48

Barnsley Cemetery George Wainwright WW2

The family gravestone of George Wainwright.

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Grave Location and Inscription:
In Memory Of / a dear son / F/Lt Sgt.George Wainwright/ killed in action over Italy / March 25th 1945 aged 23 years / Also George Henry / a dear husband / and father of the above / died June 17th 1945 / aged 63 years / Also Annie / a devoted wife and mother / died December 7th 1977 / aged 80 years. George Wainwright is buried /in the Padua War cemetery Italy and commemorated on Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. BWMP # BAR07/47

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Barnsley Cemetery James William Edon and Arthur Edon

The memorial kerbstones of brothers James Willie Edon and Arthur Edon

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Pete Schofield

Inscription provided by Friends of Barnsley Cemetery

Grave Location and Inscription: 

Plot G.644
In Loving memory Of / Thomas John Edon / died Dec 5th 1902 aged 42 years // Also Minnie Edon his beloved wife / died Feb. - - 1927 aged 64 years / Sadly missed // Also Arthur Edon their son / killed in action May 11th 1917 / aged 22 years //Also Alfred Edon their son / gassed in the Great War died Dec 13th 1917 / aged 26 years // Also James Willie Edon their son / killed in action July 21st 1918 / aged 25 years.

Lives of the First World War Arthur Edon

Lives of the First World War William Edon

Arthur Edon is remembered on the Barnsley St. Georges Church Memorial Plaque and on Worsborough Combined Memorial, St Thomas And St James Church, Worsborough Dale

Arthur Edon is buried in the Duisan British Cemetery France and is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website

James William (Willie) Edon is remembered on St Peters Church Memorial, Doncaster Road Barnsley and on the Barnsley St. Georges Church Memorial Plaque

James William (Willie) Edon is buried in the Terlincthun British Cemetery France and is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

Alfred Edon is buried in Barnsley Cemetery. He is not remembered on the CWGC, as he wasn't killed in service during WW1, but, according to his inscription he died due to being gassed during the War.

Alfred is, however, remembered on the Barnsley St. Georges Church Memorial Plaque

BWMP # BAR07/50