Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Hoyland Nether St Peter's Churchyard Walter Rushworth

The Alsop family gravestone where grandson Walter is remembered

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Lives of The First World War

Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot no. ??
In Loving Memory of / Walter / the beloved husband of / Ann Alsop / of Blacker Hill / who died April 28th 1905 / aged 61 years / also Ann Alsop / wife of the above / died April 4th 1921 / aged 74 years / also William their beloved son / aged 9 years / also Ellen their beloved daughter / aged 5 years / also Harriett Prosser / daughter of the above / of Bristol / died July 22nd 1919 / aged 81 years / also Cpl. Walter Rushworth Y&L Regt. / grandson / killed in France July 1st 1916 / aged 20 years / Gone, but not forgotten.

He is also remembered on the Hoyland War Memorial West St and Kirk Balk Hoyland and on the Worsborough, Memorial Plaque, St Mary's Church, Worsbro' Village and on the Blacker Hill War Memorial, Small Park, Blacker Hill  

Walter Rushworth is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial in France and commemorated on the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP # HYL01/11

Hoyland Nether St Peter's Churchyard Charlie and Herbert Lockwood

The Lockwood family gravestone where Charlie (Charles) & Herbert are remembered

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Lives of The First World War  Charles Lockwood

Lives of The First World War  Herbert Lockwood

Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot no. ??
In / Loving Memory / of / Ex. Pte. Arthur Lockwood / the beloved husband of / Hannah Lockwood / who died Oct. 20th 1919 aged 58 years / also our dear son Pte. Charlie Lockwood / 2nd Y&L Regt. killed in action in France / April 21st 1916 aged 17 years / also our dear son Segt. Herbert Lockwood / 2nd Y&L Regt. killed in action in France / May 3rd 1917 aged 23 years / Gone, but not forgotten. 

Charlie (Charles) Lockwood is remembered on the Hoyland Nether and St Peters Church Memorial Panels and the Hoyland War Memorial West Street and Kirk Balk Hoyland

Charlie (Charles) Lockwood is buried in the Essex Farm Cemetery Belgium and commemorated on the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

Herbert Lockwood is remembered on the Hoyland Nether and St Peters Church Memorial Panels and the Hoyland War Memorial West St and Kirk Balk Hoyland

Herbert Lockwood Is commemorated on the Arras Memorial and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.


Hoyland Nether Cemetery Norman Edward Clegg WW2

The family gravestone of Norman Clegg.

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Grave Location and Inscription:
Sacred to the Memory / Of / William the beloved husband of / Elizabeth Clegg / who died April 6th 1927 / aged 56 years / also First Class Stoker Norman, son of the above / who was killed by enemy action at sea Sept. / 26th 1942, aged 30 years / R.I.P. / also the above named Elizabeth / who died Dec. 4th 1964 / aged 87 years / also Agnes Fanny / beloved daughter of the above / who died March 8th 1965, aged 55 years

Norman Edward Clegg is remembered on Hoyland War Memorial, West Street and Kirk Balk, Hoyland

Norman Edward Clegg is remembered on the Chatham Naval Memorial and commemorated on the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP # HYL02/2 

Monday, 30 March 2015

Hoyland Nether Cemetery William Burt Naylor WW2

The family gravestone of William Burt Naylor

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Grave Location and Inscription:
In Loving Memory of / Ellen Naylor / born March 13th 1896 / died Aug. 2nd 1942 / beloved wife of / George Naylor / born Jan. 18th 1897 / died March 28th 1970 / their only son / William Burt Naylor / Royal Air Force / born Jan. 5th 1923 / killed Sep. 13th 1944 / Interred Brandon / Cemetery Canada / also daughter of the above / Ella Naylor / 11-3-26 / 22-7-86. 

William Burt Naylor is remembered on the Hoyland War Memorial West St and Kirk Balk

William Burt Naylor is buried in the Brandon Cemetery. Manitoba in Canada and is commemorated  on the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP # HYL02/2

Hoyland Nether St Peter's Churchyard Edmund J Gill

The family gravestone of Edmund J Gill

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Grave Location ?


In / Loving Memory / Of / Edmund / the beloved husband of / Mary Gill / who died August 25th 1901 / aged 63 years / also Mary Gill / wife of the above / died Feby. 5th 1922 / aged 85 years / also Sergt. Major / Edmund J. Gill M.Sc. / grandson / killed in France May 1915. 

Edmund J Gill is remembered amongst the additional names added to the Hoyland and Kirk Balk memorial

Edmund J Gill is buried in the Y Farm Military cemetery Bois-Grinier and commemorated on the. Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP # HYL01/1

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Hoyland Nether St Peter's Churchyard Ernest Darwin

The family gravestone of Ernest Darwin

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Lives of the First World War

Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot no. ??
In Loving Memory Of / Harvey / the beloved husband of / Amelia Ann Darwin / of Hoyland Common / who died November 25th 1900 / aged 56 years / also Martha Ann / daughter of the above / who died August 31st 1887 / aged 9 months / "Thy will be done" / Also Fred son of the above / Harvey & Amelia Darwin / who died November 4th 1914 / aged 32 years / also the above named Amelia Ann Darwin / who died January 1st 1922 / aged 74 years / also Ernest Darwin C.P.O. R.N. / son of the above who went down / on H.M.S. Indefatigable in the / Battle of Jutland May 31st 1916 / aged 36 years.

Ernest Darwin is remembered on the Hoyland Nether St Peters Memorial Panels and the Hoyland War Memorial West St and Kirk Balk

Ernest Darwin is commemorated on the Plymouth Naval Memorial and the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.


Hoyland Nether Cemetery Leonard Wright

The family gravestone of Leonard Wright

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Lives of The First World War

Grave Location & Inscription:
In Loving Memory Of / Leonard / the dearly beloved husband of / Bessie Wright / died Nov. 11th 1928 / aged 65 years / also the above named  / Bessie Wright / died May 27th 1952 / aged 85 years / Re-united / also Leonard, their son / killed in action Oct. / 6th 1918, aged 19 years / Sadly missed.

Leonard Wright is remembered on Hoyland Nether St Peters Church Memorial Panels
and on the Hoyland War Memorial, West Street and Kirk Balk, Hoyland 

Leonard Wright is buried in the Naves Communal Cemetery Extension in France and is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission  website

BWMP # HYL02/2

Hoyland Nether St Peter's Churchyard Wilfred Chapman

The family gravestone of Wilfred Chapman

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Lives of The First World War

Grave Location ?


How sweet their memory still / but death has left an aching void / this world can never fill / also the above named / Martha Hoe / who died Oct. 15th 1922 / aged 68 years / Thy will be done O Lord / also Signlr. Wilfred Chapman / the beloved husband of / Beatrice Chapman / who fell in France / Oct. 9th 1917 / aged 29 years / Until the day break and / the shadows flee away. 

Wilfred Chapman is remembered on the  West Street and Kirk Balk Hoyland War Memorial

Wilfred Chapman is remembered on the Tyne Cot Memorial and is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP # HYL01/4

Hoyland Nether St Peter's Churchyard Ernest Moody

The family gravestone of Ernest Moody

War Memorials Archive listing 

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Lives of The First World War

Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot no.??
In loving memory / Of / John / the beloved husband of / Sarah Elizabeth Moody / of Hoyland / who died July 3rd 1906 / aged 65 years / also the above named / Sarah Elizabeth Moody / who died March 13th 1928 / aged 84 years. At Rest / also Ernest Moody, grandson of the above / killed in action April 6th 1917 / aged 27 years

Ernest Moody is buried in the Dickebusch Cemetery  and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website

BWMP  # HYL01/09

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Cudworth Cemetery William Copley

William Copley is remembered on his family gravestone

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by BarnsleyHistorian

Monumental Inscription by the Barnsley Family History Society

Grave Location and Inscription:
A 5 S 5
In loving memory of / a dear mother Rachel Copley / who died Feb 8th 1955 aged 79 years / also a dear father Arthur Copley / who died Sept. 1st 1917 aged 49 years / also William Copley, / son of the aforenamed / who was killed in action / July 6th 1916, aged 22 years / Vase - Reunited. 

William Copley is remembered on the  Cudworth St Johns Church War Memorial

The Cudworth Local History and Heritage Group's book, Lest Cudworth Forgets, includes more information on him.

William Copley is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP #CDW01/13

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Hoyland Nether St Peter's Churchyard Leonard Foster and Arthur Donson

The family gravestone of Leonard Foster and Arthur Donson   

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by Brian Yarham

Lives of The First World War  NB Leonard Foster is listed as Lance Foster

Lives of The First World War    Arthur Donson

Grave Location and Inscription:
Plot no. ??
In Loving Memory Of / Epinetus / beloved wife of / Joseph Donson / died May 27th 1921 aged 67 / also the above Joseph Donson / died Oct. 10th 1937 aged 78 years / also Annie beloved wife of Leonard Foster / died Jan. 5th 1912 aged 29 years / also Leonard Foster / beloved husband of the above / killed in action in France April 1918 aged 37 years / also Arthur Donson beloved son of the above / died in Mesopotamia Aug. 21st 1921 aged 23 years / also Tom Foster father of Leonard Foster / died Jan. 1888 aged 37 years.

Leonard Foster and Arthur Donson are remembered on the Hoyland War Memorial, West Street and Kirk Balk, Hoyland and the St Peters Church, Hoyland, Memorial Panels

Leonard Foster is buried in the Heath Cemetery, Harbonnieres and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

Arthur Donson is buried in the Baghdad (North Gate War Cemetery) and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP # HYL01/06

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Cudworth Cememtery William Henry Wright

William Henry Wright is remembered on his family gravestone

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by BarnsleyHistorian

Monumental Inscription by Barnsley Family History Society

Lives of The First World War

Grave Location and Inscription:
B 1 7
In loving memory of / Joseph Wright / who died August 31st 1902 / aged 40 years / also Fanny / the beloved wife of the above / who died Septr 26th 1933, / aged 71 years. / also William Henry, / son of the above / and beloved husband of / Edith Wright, / killed in action Octr 30th 1917 / aged 31 years.

William Henry Wright is remembered on the Cudworth St Johns Church War Memorial

The Cudworth Local History and Heritage Group's book, Lest Cudworth Forgets, includes more information on him.

William Henry Wright is remembered on the Tyne Cot memorial and is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission  website.


Cudworth Cemetery Reuben Davies

Reuben Davies is remembered on his family gravestone

War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by BarnsleyHistorian

Monumental inscription  by  Barnsley Family History Society

Grave Location and Inscription:
A 3 E11
In / loving memory / of Catherine / the beloved wife of / Thomas Davies / who died March 1st 1925 / aged 57 years / also Reuben son of the above / who was killed in France May 30th 1918 / aged 26 years / also the above named / Thomas Davies / who died November 23rd 1952, aged 69 years.

Reuben Davies is remembered on the  Felkirk St Peters Lychgate War Memorial

Reuben Davies is remembered on the Soissons Memorial in France and commemorated on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP #CDW01/12

Friday, 6 March 2015

Cudworth Cemetery Wilfred Eversedge WW2

Wilfred Eversedge part of his family's gravestone


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by BarnsleyHistorian

Monumental Inscription by the Barnsley Family History Society

Grave Location and Inscription:  
D 7 18
In loving memory of / Irene, the beloved daughter of / John & Elizabeth Eversedge / who died April 5th 1943, aged 17 years / Asleep in God's beautiful garden / also Sapper Wilfred Eversedge R.E. their beloved son / who died of wounds in Italy May 4th 1944, aged 25 years / Sheltered by the rock of ages, Far across the sea / Re-united / also the above named John Eversedge / who died April 4th 1960, aged 73 years / Treasured memories / also the above named Elizabeth Eversedge / who died July 4th 1974, aged 85 years.

Wilfred Eversedge is remembered on the Cudworth Memorial St. Johns Church Cudworth.

The Cudworth Local History and Heritage Group's book, Lest Cudworth Forgets, includes more information on him.

Wilfred Eversedge is buriedi in the Bari War Cemetery Italy and is remembered on the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission  website.

BWMP #CDW01/22

Cudworth Cemetery Herbert Straker

Herbert Straker is remembered on his family's gravestone


War Memorials Archive listing

War Memorials Online listing

Photograph by BarnsleyHistorian

Inscription provided by the Barnsley Family History Society

Lives of The First World War

Grave Location and Inscription:
A 2 E 10
In ever loving memory of Kate / the beloved wife of Charles H. Straker / who died Feby 27th 1926 aged 57 years / also of their son Lieut. H Straker (Bert) 5th West Yorks Regt / who died of wounds in Rouen hospital Novr 9th 1918 aged 30 years / for God & country.

Herbert Straker is also remembered on the War Memorial St Johns Church Cudworth and on the Cudworth Memorial Plaque West End Institute and Club St Johns Road

Second Lt. Herbert Straker buried in the St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, France and is commemorated on the  Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

BWMP # CDW01/11